10 Days of Prayer Resources
Here is the link for the daily prayer reading starting from Thursday 14th October:
DAY 1 Jesus' Most Precious Gift
DAY 2 Grasping the Gift
DAY 3 Surrender is the Key
DAY 4 Putting Revival Into Practice
DAY 5 Spiritual or Carnal: What's the Difference?
DAY 6 God's Solution to Our Struggle
DAY 7 Praying God's Promises
DAY 8 Obedience Through Jesus
DAY 9 Do I Work For God — Or Does He Work Through Me?
DAY 10 Seeking Revival Together
If you can find 15 minutes please join the daily zoom meetings hosted by the elders, prayer team, and pastors, for a Bible text and prayer.
October 14 - Thu 7:00pm
October 15 - Fri 8:00pm
October 16 - Sat 4:00pm
October 17 - Sun 9:00pm
October 18 - Mon 6:00am
October 19 - Tue 12:00pm
October 20 - Wed 7:00pm
October 21 - Thu 6:00am
October 22 - Fri 12:00pm
October 23 - Sat 7:30pm
Zoom link: https://adventistchurch.zoom.us/j/95738934458?pwd=VC9HUjd3b2FBMnkwQ1cwUklnck5JZz09